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Kaustav Banerjee

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of light

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About Me

I am a Full Stack Developer with a humongous hunger to gain knowledge. I love solving problems and engage in social mind storming. I love to indulge myself in thoughtful and deep topics such as Politics, Astrophysics, Environment, Psychology and future of humanity. My hobbies include playing ukulele, shooting videos, paint and consume art of any form.

Latest Projects

project name

Electric Utility Analytics Web App

Analytics dashboard for Electric Utility using Php , Javascript , jQuery , MySQL . Supports permission based report viewing and adhoc report generation using SQL . Admin portal to modify user permission and other entities.

See code on Github

project name

Django Blogging Application with User Dashboard

Blogging Web App created using Django , jQuery , JavaScript and PostgreSQL. The Application is hosted on heroku :

See code on Github

project name

Tensorflow Object Detection

My college final year project was IMAGE IDGP (Image based identification of Goats and Pigs) which was funded by ITRA . Purpose of the project was to design and develop an efficient system for identification of domestic animals such as Goats and Pigs using technology and without marking the animal body. MATLAB was used to identify characteristincs of the animals based on what breed they belong to. This breed classification model was generated using Object Detection from Tensorflow Models. Nowadays it is very easy to train such models using Google Colab. This project uses Google Colab to train custom models and download the inference graph which can be used in any application to detect objects in real time.

See code on Github

project name

(GCP / AWS / Vultr )Cloud based Desktop

This is a project that I worked on as an intern for Brain Change. The purpose of this project was to create desktops within a linux based google cloud instance. External users were able to connect to this desktops using Remote Desktop in Windows (xrdp) or XVNC clients . This codes are not maintained anymore but can be used as reference to achieve greater automation while initialising cloud desktops from scratch

See code on Github

project name


Hostelbook is an open source Hostel social network built with Python using the Django Web Framework based on Bootcamp. The project has three basic apps:
1) Feed (A Twitter-like microblog)
2) Articles (A collaborative blog)
3) Question & Answers (A Stack Overflow-like platform)
4) Mess Management System with MENU management support

See code on Github

Work Experience

Senior Application Developer ABHARTECH and Service Pvt Ltd ( November 2020 - Present)

● Design and Develop integration frameworks for managing thousands of IOT devices such as smart meters and DCUs .
● Increased scalability of the product to assemble broken message fragments by 200 times.
● Design Integrations and data pipelines between third party applications and SMARTEU Product with zero bottlenecks.
● Design and develop robust, scalable, configurable distributed microservices for product implementations using NodeJS, Flask, Django, Redis, MQTT, Celery, Docker and Docker Compose.
● Design and Develop a new company portfolio website and manage deployments.
● Solve technical problems related to projects of service domain as well.

Associate Consultant Wipo Technologies Ltd ( July 2018 - November 2020)

● To develop Python Flask/ Django APl's to support Front—End teams across multiple intranet applications of TSECL Smart Grid Project.
● To develop automation scripts using Python , Shell scripts , SQL to reduce internal team manual effort and generate reports automatically and send them via email for analysis for customer and internal analysts.
● To design a Electric Load Forecasting Engine using LSTM network.
● To act as a technical consultant and deliver customer requirements related to analytics website and mobile application.
● To provide functional and technical support related to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management ,Oracle Utilities Customer Care & Billing and provide knowledge transfer sessions on Utility domain and automation of processes to reduce any kind of manual effort.
● Developed php based analytics application for Electric Utility
● To participate in bidding phase as a case study designer.
● Project won ISGF InnovationAwards 2019
● Won Inspiring Performance Award
● Won award for automation of billing process of TSECL Smart Grid Implementation project.

Automation Intern Brainchange (November 2017 - January 2018)

● Developing Unix Scripts for Google Cloud Compute Engine VM instances (OS : Debian 8 , Debian 9 , Ubuntu 14.04 , Ubuntu 16.04 ,Ubuntu 17.04) so that they can be accessed using Windows Remote Desktop (mstsc) or VNC viewer.
● Developing Python scripts using selenium module to automate google chrome browser

Coordinator of college technical fest (Techtix) - Espektro , KGEC (2017 - 2018)

● March , 2018 : Coding Contest based on Reverse Engineering - Decapsulate hosted on the HackerRank Platform.
● March , 2017 : De—Bugging Contest — Bug ofDebug hosted on the CodeChefPlatform.


Other Projects

SmartEU Product

Scaling product to be able to accept millions of meter reads per minute from different gateways and adding inntegration features .

View ABHARTECH Home Page

APS - Smart Metering Live Project

Designing solutions to remove syncing issues between L&G Meter Data Management System , Oracle Utilities Customer Care & Billing , Several Head-End Systems and Analytics Webapp .

View APS Home Page

TSECL Smart Grid (Pilot) Live Project

TSECL Smart Grid project is a Government of India initiative to deploy a smart grid in Agartala , Tripura as a Pilot project. My role was to design smart metering solutions based on Oracle Utilities MDM and Analytics Solution of collected Meter Data . Design capability for Real Time Monitoring and Health check of the entire grid using bots and dashboard. I was a part of the project during Development Phase , Testing Phase and Customer Support Phase.

View TSECL Home Page

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